Understanding Dyslexia for Prison Officers
Module Overview
Aims and Learning Objectives
The content of this module is about dyslexia and how we can understand and cater for it better. As an employee of the penitentiary system you will often be faced with inmates who are dyslexic, and face their own challenges which non-dyslexic inmates do not. Understanding this will make your job, and the lives of those inmates, easier. As many as 50% of prisoners are dyslexic, and the ability to understand their needs and communication styles will better enable staff to interact positively with them, meet their requirements, and work more productively with inmates in their prisons. The content will be structured over two lessons in order to make it as easy as possible to go through it and acquire the necessary knowledge. As a result of the time spent studying the materials provided by us you will gain knowledge in the field of dyslexia awareness in prisons, which will be invaluable in your daily work in the prison system.
Target Audience & Requirements
The Understanding Dyslexia for Prison Officers module is useful for any employee working in the penitentiary system. It is not only aimed at employees who only work in a certain sector, or who have a well established level of experience. It should play a very important role, both professionally and personally.
Duration and estimated workload of course
Given that the content of the module will be in electronic format we estimate that no more than 1 hour is needed to go through them.
Module support
Dyslexia is a neurological condition which affects roughly 10% of the population. In school it can lead to failure, humiliation, and stress. After school it can be a major contributor to unemployment, homelessness, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. But the way that dyslexia manifests in one person will not necessarily be reflected in how dyslexia manifests in another. What has been discovered however, is that when we look upon and label dyslexia in a negative light, dyslexic individuals are negatively affected by this attitude. Looking on dyslexia’s positives, and arguing that it is a difference which simply needs a different environment, can be a major contributing factor to dyslexics performing well academically, emotionally, socially, and in the jobs market.
The modules contain links to outside sources which can help people understand dyslexia in a broader and deeper way.
What is dyslexia?
What are the important facts you need to know about dyslexia?
Dyslexia and prisons – an introduction
Why is it important to know about dyslexia in prisons?
What do you need to know about dyslexia in prisons?
How can knowing about dyslexia in prisons help you?
How can knowing about dyslexia in prisons help prisoners?