Stress management
Module Overview

Aims and Learning Objectives
The content of this module is about stress and how we can manage it better. As an employee of the penitentiary system you will often be faced with more or less demanding and stressful situations. Not infrequently stress management skills will make your job easier. We, as developers of the module, thought that this topic, stress management, should be addressed, as it is of great interest to employees in the penitentiary system, and we hope it will be of interest to you as well. The content will be structured in several lessons in order to make it as easy as possible to go through it and acquire the necessary knowledge. As a result of the time spent studying the materials provided by us you will gain knowledge in the field of stress management, which will be useful in your daily work in the prison system.
Target Audience & Requirements
The STRESS MANAGEMENT module is useful for any employee working in the penitentiary system. It is not only aimed at employees who only work in a certain sector, or who have a well established level of experience. Stress management in our lives should play a very important role, both professionally and personally.
Duration and estimated workload of course
Given that the content of the module will be in electronic format we estimate that no more than 1 hour is needed to go through them.
Module support
Stress, which is originally a mechanism of adaptation of the individual to the environment, can become a source of maladaptation and demotivation, depending on the personal way of reacting to stress. A stressful event for one person is not necessarily stressful for another. That is why we think it is very important to know as much as possible about stress and how to manage it better.
Definition of stress
Fundamental types of stress and theories of stress
Occupational stress
Practices and exercises to reduce professional stress in prisons